Analyzing Code 128 barcodes
Analyzing Code 128 barcodes is easy with the barcode reader toolkit download. You can use our simple tool to see the actual values used within a Code 128 barcode following these easy steps:
1. Download our SDK.
2. Unzip the file
3. Navigate to the bin folder and run SoftekSDKDemo.exe
4. Select your image file containing your Code 128 barcode
5. Click on File and Settings and select the “1-D Barcodes” tab.
6. In the Code 128 box change the Debug mode to “2: Display raw values” and click OK.
7. Click on File and then “Scan this page for barcodes”
If the software can detect your Code 128 barcode then the values of the data characters will be displayed with the calculated checksum value shown in brackets after the actual checksum value. If these 2 values do not agree then either the barcode has not been read correctly (maybe due to a printing or scanning error) or the values were not calculated correctly. Either way this method will help you see what is really in your barcode.
The specification for a Code 128 barcode can be found here