Using our barcode reader SDK you can enable your application to read barcodes from images with only a few lines of code. So how do you do it? 1. Add a reference to the SoftekBarcodeNet.dll DotNet component 2. Use code similar to this… barcode = new SoftekBarcodeNet.BarcodeReader(@”path\to\our\sdk\bin”); // Set a few properties barcode.MultipleRead = true;
Analyzing Code 128 barcodes is easy with the barcode reader toolkit download. You can use our simple tool to see the actual values used within a Code 128 barcode following these easy steps: 1. Download our SDK. 2. Unzip the file 3. Navigate to the bin folder and run SoftekSDKDemo.exe 4. Select your image file
Version of the Barcode Reader SDK has now been released. This includes an update to the Debenu PDF library (version 12.12), a small fix that allows the reading of 2-column compact-PDF417 barcodes and a advanced setting to help debug Code 128 bar codes (see below). As ever, the release is available through our downloads