Failed to load SoftekBarcode.dll
If whilst trying to use the Softek Barcode Reader Toolkit it returns to error message “Failed to load SoftekBarcode.dll” then a possible cause of the problem may be that you have the wrong version of the .dll for the system you are using. The following should help to remedy this problem:
When you create an instance of softekbarcodelib3.dll it needs to load the correct version (x86 or x64) of softekbarcode.dll.
If you create your instance as follows:
barcode = new SoftekBarcodeLib3.Barcoder();
Then softekbarcodelib3 just calls LoadLibrary(“softekbarcode.dll”) so you must either have the correct version in the same folder (or current working folder) of the application or make sure that your windows system folders have the correct versions installed. An easy way to do this is to run our installers in the redist folder.
But if you create your instance as follows:
barcode = new SoftekBarcodeLib3.Barcoder(“C:\Softek”);
Then softekbarcodelib3 will call either LoadLibrary(“C:\Softek\x86\softekbarcode.dll”) or LoadLibrary(“C:\Softek\x64\softekbarcode.dll”)
However, if you’re unable to resolve the issue make sure to get in touch with our support team at who are always happy to provide you with further help.