Identifying output files when using tiff split
This article explains how to correlate the output files produced during a tiff split process against the barcode values returned by GetBarString. The algorithm shown here assumes default split mode (TiffSplitMode = 0) and handles multiple barcodes on a single page and the possibility of no barcode on the first page.
The code below uses the .net component, but it could equally be applied to other interfaces if GetBarStringPage was replaced by GetBarStringPos. In the algorithm, fileIndex is only increased when the current barcode is on a new page, and the boolean variable doneFile is use to make sure that output files are only processed once.
barcode = New SoftekBarcodeLib2.BarcodeReader
barcode.TifSplitMode = 0
barcode.TifSplitPath = “C:\temp\output%d.tif”
nBarCodes = barcode.ScanBarCode(inputFilePath)
Dim page As Integer
Dim fileIndex As Integer
Dim doneFile As Boolean
Dim barstring As String
page = 1
fileIndex = 1
doneFile = False
For i = 1 To nBarCodes
barstring = barcode.GetBarString(i)
If barcode.GetBarStringPage(i) > page Then
page = barcode.GetBarStringPage(i)
fileIndex = fileIndex + 1
doneFile = False
End If
If doneFile = False Then
MsgBox(“Process file ” & fileIndex.ToString() & ” with lead barcode value ” & barstring)
doneFile = True
End If